Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Student Success Statement
“ A promise must never be broken” -Alexander Hamilton
Example: If you promise to be at practice at 4 o'clock, you have to be there at 4 o'clock. If you are not there by that time then you are in the CTW range.

Reflection: Trust is built through a series of experiences shared with others. When behavior is consistent, faith in the relationship develops. When promises are broken or people are misled, the bonds of trust are breached.Broken promises imply that the offenders either didn’t think before making the promises, or don’t care that they’ve let you down. They’re also implying that their needs are more important than yours. So, be careful about the promises that you make and with whom you make them. If you can't keep a promise you shouldn't make it.Every time you give your word, you’re putting your honor on the line. Most importantly, you’ll be letting yourself down.When you operate with complete integrity, what you say will be taken at face value, your intentions will be assumed honorable, and your handshake will be as good as a contract. Most importantly, you can take great pride in the standards that you’ve set for yourself and sleep well at night knowing that your conscience is clear. As for others when they think they’re fooling the world, they’ll realize that they’re only fooling themselves. A promise is a promise after all.

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