One thing that I love to do on my free time is read a good novel. I usually always have a book with me wherever I am. I love the feeling where a part in the book gets so good and you can't stop reading until you find out what's gonna happen. Reading is also a very great way to pass the time when you are bored. My passion for books has always been within me since I was in elementary. I was always a very fluent reader and was labeled as "gifted" and "honored" throughout my whole education. Reading helps me see things under a different light, and grow as a person. Ever since I was small, my grandma would read to me everyday, and I feel that that also had an impact on my intelligence. Reading can also help us clear our minds when we are stressed. I sometimes get so caught up into a book that I'll finish it in 3 days or less. One of my favorite places to be is the library because it's a friendly environment and is FILLED with books ! I am also thinking of volunteering there to do community service hours. I wish to own my very own vintage bookstore one day.

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