"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the courage to be a light for others to follow.
An example of this would be if your friends want to tag around school and you know its the wrong choice. In this case you should tell them that they are making a mistake, and if they don't listen to you then simply just walk away so you wouldn't be seen doing wrong things. Another way is to report something like this to a teacher immediately.
What this means is to stand up for what you believe in instead of letting others make the choice for you.The reason why Thomas Monson says "so-called friends is because if they influence you to CTW then they are not truly friends.You should choose the right when everyone else is choosing the wrong. Even if you are alone, you know that you will feed good by being a CTR person.When you CHOOSE THE RIGHT you prove to yourself that you are honest, trustworthy, and responsible !!! When someone else is doing wrong, you should encourage them to stop what they are doing.There are always 2 roads to take The best path you could ever take is the CTR path. The worst path you can go down would be CTR. Always choose the right to find true happiness.

ctr & come to school
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