"When you tell one lie, it leads to another" -Paul Hatch
This quote is explaining that every time you tell a lie, you will tell another lie to cover the first lie up. He who permits himself to lie once, will find it easier to lie the second time. That's why we should CTR and not have to doubt our sub-conscious. If we always tell the truth, then there is no reason to lie. We should always tell thew truth even if its difficult, because it will be a lot less trouble than to be caught in a web of lies. If by any chance you do something wrong, be honest and admit to you're mistake so that it wont happen again. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. If you always tell the truth, people will trust you more often because you are a trustworthy person. It is better to hurt someone with the truth than comfort them with a lie. It doesn't matter if it's just a small lie, big or small you are still lying and will not be trusted. We have to let our way of life (CTR) take the wheel, so that we are not tempted to lie. Maybe there will be consequences to an action whether you lie or tell the truth, but telling the truth will make you feel relieved that you lifted that weight off your chest. It leaves you with a clear state of mind, so that you don't have feelings of guilt. You also should not lie because when you are a liar, and you tell the truth for once, no one will believe you any more because of your past lies.
Example: If you finish the last brownie that was in a box and you know that it wasn't your brownie, you have 2 choices: lie or tell the truth. A person might feel the need to lie because they know that it is their fault, but by pushing the truth away there is much more trouble. Instead of saying that you didn't eat it , you can say that you did eat it and that you are very sorry, it won't happen again. A truthful apology is always more appreciated than a lie because you are being honest and recognize your mistake.
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